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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Datei:T-REC-G.9903-201708-I!!PDF-E (3).pdf + (G.9903,G,9903)
- Datei:hb9tv carte relais hb 20211107.pdf + (HB9TV, ARALD)
- Datei:IARU-R1-Emcom Comparison eng.pdf + (This is a collection of data in which EU27+ countries are (amateur)radio services activ to support civil protection authorities.)
- Datei:Emcom Comparison eng.pdf + (This, is, a, collection, of, data, in, which, EU27+, countries, are, (amateur)radio, services, activ, to, support, civil, protection, authorities.)
- Datei:WW-Emcom Comparison eng.pdf + (This, is, a, collection, of, data, in, which, EU27+, countries, are, (amateur)radio, services, activ, to, support, civil, protection, authorities.)
- Datei:EU-Emcom Comparison eng.pdf + (This, is, a, collection, of, data, in, which, EU27+, countries, are, (amateur)radio, services, activ, to, support, civil, protection, authorities.)
- Datei:ITU R-REP-M.2033-2003-PDF-E.pdf + (folios: 1-94)